Music therapy is an intervention method that uses music in all its forms to help a participant reach their pre-established goals. Music therapy calls upon a participant’s sensitivity and creativity and offers a non-verbal approach to facilitate expression. A participant can use musical and vocal improvisation, listen to pre-recorded or live music and compose songs or music to maintain or improve mental and physical health and/or work on personal growth.
A music therapist can choose from a variety of theoretical orientations to guide and structure her therapeutic work. Verbal exchanges are encouraged before or after a musical experience. A person can express what he or she is experiencing in his or her life and in the music therapy group setting. Combining musical and verbal expression allows a person to gain insight and facilitate personal transformation of his/her perceptions and behaviors.
At Expression LaSalle, music therapy is used in a group context for a short term duration. No prior musical experience is necessary.
Music therapy groups are offered between the months of September and June once a week. During the two (2) hour sessions, participants are invited to share their musical preferences and to express themselves musically. The first hour of the group comprises a musical opening, a verbal check-in, musical experiences and verbal sharing. The second hour comprises a break, debriefing on the first part, additional musical experiences and a musical closure.
– Allows for the expression of thoughts and feelings both through musical activities and in words.
– Offers a process that is at the same time physical, emotional and intellectual.
-Helps enhance interpersonal communication, social skills and can break isolation.
– Helps a person gain a new understanding and perspective of themselves and others.
– Presents an opportunity to learn strategies for relaxation and improve symptoms of stress and anxiety.
– Fosters consciousness and connection to the body.
– Encourages living in the present moment.